Hot Water Recirculation

Grundfos Hot Water Recirculation:

CopperStone Plumbing offers sales, service and professional installation of hot water recirculation system in the Phoenix metro area.

Hot water recirculation can save the average family of 4 up to 16,000 gallons of water yearly.

You can get hot water in seconds with a hot water recirculation pump.

The Grundfos ALPHA1 is our cost-efficient yet high-performing circulator, offering energy efficiency at an affordable price. The ALPHA1 has been proven to reduce energy use by up to 80%. It is the ideal choice in applications where the Grundfos UPS has been used to fulfil basic circulator needs.

The ALPHA1 offers multiple operation modes and is adaptable to one- or two-string radiator systems and underfloor heating systems. This means it’s easy to install and can take care of all your basic pump needs.

Proportional pressure

The ALPHA1 features three proportional pressure modes. If selected, the differential pressure varies proportionally with the flow, a higher flow means higher differential pressure. Proportional pressure is the preferred choice for two-string radiator systems.

Constant speed or constant pressure

The ALPHA1 offers three constant speed modes for constant flow applications.

There are three constant pressure settings on the pump. This keeps pressure constant regardless of the flow.

These constant pressure modes are the preferred operation modes for underfloor heating systems and one-string systems.

Easy operation

The ALPHA1 features a power display and indications for control modes that provide an easy overview of all pump operations.

The Grundfos ALPHA1 is suitable for:

  • One and two-pipe radiator systems
  • Underfloor heating systems
  • Domestic hot-water recirculation
  • Suitable for air-conditioning systems with liquid temperatures ≥ 2 °C

Key features and benefits:

  • Proportional pressure mode
  • Constant speed mode
  • Constant pressure mode
  • Easy installation and operation
Grundfos ALPHA1 circulator pump - heating, cooling, hot water

*Prices conveyed are for the product, materials used, and installation labor cost. Quotes and pricing are subject to change depending on total hours worked and other factors. CopperStone Plumbing cannot sell the product without the service of our professional installation conducted by our experienced technicians. Please contact CopperStone Plumbing to get an accurate quote and pricing.